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Baby Francesco and Mickey Mouse

Once upon a time, Baby Francesco played with Mickey Mouse.

A baby boy playing with a toy mouse, colorful toys.

They had so much fun together! They danced and laughed.

A baby boy, happy and curious, wearing colorful clothes. and A friendly mouse with red shorts, big yellow shoes. dancing and laughing, joyful colors.

Baby Francesco hugged Mickey Mouse tightly and said, 'You're my best friend!'

A baby boy, happy and curious, wearing colorful clothes. hugging A friendly mouse with red shorts, big yellow shoes., love and friendship.

They went on an adventure to a magical kingdom and met other Disney friends.

A baby boy, happy and curious, wearing colorful clothes., A friendly mouse with red shorts, big yellow shoes., and Disney friends in a colorful kingdom.

Baby Francesco and Mickey Mouse helped each other and learned new things.

A baby boy, happy and curious, wearing colorful clothes. and A friendly mouse with red shorts, big yellow shoes. helping and learning together, happy colors.

At the end of the day, Baby Francesco and Mickey Mouse hugged goodbye.

A baby boy, happy and curious, wearing colorful clothes. and A friendly mouse with red shorts, big yellow shoes. hugging, sadness and love.

Baby Francesco went to sleep, dreaming of his special adventure with Mickey Mouse.

A baby boy, happy and curious, wearing colorful clothes. sleeping and dreaming of A friendly mouse with red shorts, big yellow shoes., peaceful colors.

The next day, Baby Francesco couldn't wait to play with Mickey Mouse again!

A baby boy, happy and curious, wearing colorful clothes. excited to play with A friendly mouse with red shorts, big yellow shoes., anticipation.

Reflection Questions

  • What did Baby Francesco say to Mickey Mouse?
  • Where did Baby Francesco go on an adventure?
  • How did Baby Francesco feel about playing with Mickey Mouse again?

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