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Baby Francesco's Coffee Time with Daddy

Baby Francesco sat at the table with Daddy. They had a special time together.

Cute little boy with brown hair and happy blue eyes and Kind man with a beard and glasses, wearing a cozy sweater sitting at a table, happy and excited

Daddy poured coffee into two cups. Baby Francesco smelled the delicious aroma.

Kind man with a beard and glasses, wearing a cozy sweater pouring coffee into cups, steam rising, Cute little boy with brown hair and happy blue eyes smelling it

Daddy and Baby Francesco sipped their coffee. It was warm and yummy.

Kind man with a beard and glasses, wearing a cozy sweater and Cute little boy with brown hair and happy blue eyes sipping coffee, smiling and enjoying

Daddy and Baby Francesco talked and laughed. They had a wonderful time together.

Kind man with a beard and glasses, wearing a cozy sweater and Cute little boy with brown hair and happy blue eyes talking and laughing, happy and joyful

After coffee time, Daddy and Baby Francesco cleaned up. They washed the cups and put them away.

Kind man with a beard and glasses, wearing a cozy sweater and Cute little boy with brown hair and happy blue eyes washing cups, water splashing, being helpful

Baby Francesco gave Daddy a big hug. Daddy smiled and hugged him back.

Cute little boy with brown hair and happy blue eyes hugging Kind man with a beard and glasses, wearing a cozy sweater tightly, both with big smiles

It was a special morning. Baby Francesco and Daddy felt happy and loved.

Cute little boy with brown hair and happy blue eyes and Kind man with a beard and glasses, wearing a cozy sweater hugging, surrounded by hearts, feeling loved

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Daddy and Baby Francesco have coffee together?
  • How did the coffee taste?
  • How did Baby Francesco and Daddy feel at the end?

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