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Baby Turtle's Ocean Adventure
Petualangan Lautan Bayi Penyu
Once upon a time, in a sandy beach paradise, lived a baby turtle named Kai. Kai was curious and full of energy. One sunny day, Kai decided to explore the vast ocean. Pada suatu ketika, di surga pantai berpasir, hiduplah seekor bayi penyu bernama Tommy. Tommy penasaran dan penuh energi. Suatu hari yang cerah, dia memutuskan untuk menjelajahi lautan luas.
The story begins on a sandy beach, with the main character, baby turtle Baby turtle with green shell and bright eyes, always smiling, standing near the sparkling ocean.
Kai swam further into the deep blue sea, marveling at the colorful coral reefs. Kai encountered many beautiful fish, friendly dolphins, and even a friendly octopus named Olivia. Kai wanted to preserve this beauty for every turtle friends and other sea creatures. Tommy berenang lebih jauh ke dalam laut biru, mengagumi warna-warni terumbu karang. Ia bertemu banyak ikan cantik, lumba-lumba ramah, dan bahkan gurita ramah bernama Olivia. Tommy ingin melestarikan keindahan ini untuk sahabat penyu dan makhluk laut lainnya.
Baby turtle with green shell always smilling meeting ocean creature like octopus, dolphin, fish, coral reefs. together they are playing ang laughing in the deep blue sea
In the journey, Kai see plastics. Feeling responsible, Kai decided to pick up garbage Kai saw along the way, making the ocean a cleaner place. Kai visited different parts of the ocean, spreading the message of preserving nature to all friends. Merasa bertanggung jawab, Tommy memutuskan untuk memungut sampah yang dilihatnya di sepanjang jalan, sehingga laut menjadi lebih bersih. Ia mengunjungi berbagai belahan lautan, menyebarkan pesan pelestarian alam kepada semua temannya.
Baby turtle with green shell and bright eyes, always smiling is shown picking up trash and spreading awareness among his sea creature friends about preserving the ocean.
Kai's efforts inspired other turtles, dolphins, and fish to join in the mission to keep the ocean clean and beautiful. Together, they formed a team called 'The Guardians of the Sea.' Upaya Tommy menginspirasi penyu, lumba-lumba, dan ikan lainnya untuk ikut serta dalam misinya menjaga laut tetap bersih dan indah. Bersama-sama, mereka membentuk tim yang disebut 'The Guardians of the Sea.'
Baby turtle with green shell and bright eyes, always smiling is joined by other turtles, dolphins, and fish, forming 'The Guardians of the Sea' team to protect and preserve the ocean.
From that day forward, Kai and friends held regular clean-up events, keeping the ocean healthy for everyone. Baby turtle Tommy played his part in protecting the ocean and teaching others about the importance of responsibility towards nature. Sejak saat itu, Tommy dan teman-temannya mengadakan acara bersih-bersih secara rutin, demi menjaga kesehatan laut bagi semua orang. Bayi penyu Tommy berperan dalam melindungi laut dan mengajari orang lain tentang pentingnya tanggung jawab terhadap alam.
Baby turtle with green shell and bright eyes, always smiling and his friends are seen having regular clean-up events and spreading awareness about the importance of being responsible for preserving the ocean.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Tommy feel when he saw the ocean for the first time?
  • What did Tommy decide to do to preserve the ocean?
  • Why is it important to be responsible and protect nature?

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