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Badshah and the 99 Dirham

Badshah was a young boy who lived in a small village. He was determined to help his family, but they struggled to make ends meet. One day, Badshah overheard some villagers talking about a hidden treasure chest that contained 99 Dirham. Excited about the possibility of finding the treasure, Badshah decided to set off on a quest to locate it.

Why did Badshah set off on a quest?

  • A) To help his family
  • B) To find hidden treasures
  • C) To explore the village
  • D) To have an adventure
Curious, determined boy in traditional clothes, vibrant headscarf hears about treasure, determined to find it, village setting

Badshah asked the villagers for clues, but no one knew the exact location of the treasure. Undeterred, Badshah decided to start searching around the village. He checked under rocks, behind trees, and even dug small holes, but still, he couldn't find the treasure.

What did Badshah do to find the treasure?

  • A) Asked for directions from a random person
  • B) Gave up after searching a bit
  • C) Asked the villagers for clues
  • D) Consulted a map
Curious, determined boy in traditional clothes, vibrant headscarf asks villagers, searches everywhere, can't find treasure

After days of searching, Badshah came across an old man who had been living in the village for decades. The wise old man smiled and said, 'To find the treasure, you must solve a series of riddles. And remember, the journey is as important as the destination.' Badshah eagerly accepted the challenge and began solving riddles throughout the village.

What did the old man ask Badshah to do?

  • A) Dig deeper in one spot
  • B) Buy a map from him
  • C) Follow a specific route
  • D) Solve a series of riddles
Curious, determined boy in traditional clothes, vibrant headscarf meets wise old man, riddles are the key

With each riddle he solved, Badshah gained a better understanding of his village, its people, and the history hidden within. Along the way, he helped fellow villagers with their problems, showcasing his problem-solving skills and kindness. The villagers were grateful for his assistance and offered additional clues to the treasure's location.

What did Badshah gain by solving the riddles?

  • A) Understanding of his village
  • B) A new set of riddles
  • C) The treasure chest
  • D) A big reward
Curious, determined boy in traditional clothes, vibrant headscarf solves riddles, helps villagers, gains clues

After weeks of hard work, Badshah finally solved the last riddle. The clues led him to a hidden spot beneath a large oak tree. As he dug into the ground, he discovered a chest covered in moss. Badshah opened it and found 99 shiny Dirhams. Overjoyed, he realized that the real treasure was not the money, but the knowledge, skills, and friendships he had gained along the way.

What did Badshah realize after finding the treasure?

  • A) The treasure wasn't worth much
  • B) The treasure was cursed
  • C) There was more treasure to be found
  • D) The real treasure was the knowledge, skills, and friendships
Curious, determined boy in traditional clothes, vibrant headscarf solves final riddle, discovers the hidden treasure

Reflection Questions

  • What traits did Badshah exhibit throughout the story?
  • How did Badshah's journey benefit him and his family?
  • What message does the story convey?

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