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Badshah and the 99 Dirham

Once upon a time, in a small village called Alkarim, there lived a young boy named Badshah. He was known for his problem-solving skills and his quick wit. One day, Badshah came across a mysterious golden coin. Curious about its origin, he decided to find out more about it. As he researched, he discovered that it was called the 99 Dirham, and it had the power to grant one wish to its possessor.

What did Badshah find?

  • A) A rusty old coin
  • B) A paper bill
  • C) A magical golden coin
  • D) A shiny silver coin
A young boy with a quick wit and problem-solving skills. discovers a mysterious golden coin.

Excited by the coin's powers, Badshah started thinking about how he could use it wisely. He wanted to solve a problem that would benefit his entire village. After much contemplation, he decided to use the wish to bring clean drinking water to the village, as they were struggling with water scarcity.

What problem did Badshah want to solve?

  • A) Water scarcity
  • B) Transportation issue
  • C) Food shortage
  • D) Lack of education
A young boy with a quick wit and problem-solving skills. decides to use the wish to solve the water scarcity problem.

Badshah approached the village council and shared his plan. They were impressed by his noble idea and agreed to support him. Together, they started a crowdfunding campaign and raised enough money to dig a well and install a water purification system. Soon, clean drinking water was available to every household in the village.

How did Badshah raise money for his plan?

  • A) By selling the golden coin
  • B) By borrowing from the neighboring village
  • C) By winning a lottery
  • D) Through a crowdfunding campaign
A young boy with a quick wit and problem-solving skills. shares his plan with the village council and gets their support.

The villagers were overjoyed and grateful to Badshah for solving their water problem. Inspired by his success, they started looking for other problems they could solve together. They formed a community-led initiative to address issues such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

What did the villagers do after Badshah solved their water problem?

  • A) They ignored other problems in the village.
  • B) They became lazy and stopped working.
  • C) They moved to another village.
  • D) They formed a community-led initiative.
The villagers are inspired by A young boy with a quick wit and problem-solving skills.'s success and work together.

Badshah's wish not only solved the water scarcity problem but also brought the villagers closer together. They realized the power of unity and collaboration. Badshah became a symbol of hope and inspiration for everyone in the village.

What did Badshah become for the villagers?

  • A) A symbol of hope and inspiration
  • B) A wealthy businessman
  • C) A magician
  • D) A problem creator
Unity and collaboration bring the villagers closer together.

News of Badshah's act of kindness spread far and wide. The neighboring villages were curious about the 99 Dirham and its powers. Badshah decided to use the coin's remaining wishes to solve the problems of the surrounding villages, spreading positivity and hope wherever he went.

What did Badshah do with the remaining wishes?

  • A) He gave them to his friends.
  • B) He used them to solve problems in neighboring villages.
  • C) He forgot about them.
  • D) He kept them for himself.
A young boy with a quick wit and problem-solving skills. uses the remaining wishes to solve problems in neighboring villages.

Thus, Badshah's journey with the 99 Dirham taught him the importance of problem-solving for the greater good. He became a true hero, not just for his village but for the entire region. And so, his story continues to inspire generations to come.

What did Badshah learn from his journey with the 99 Dirham?

  • A) The power of selfishness
  • B) The uselessness of helping others
  • C) The importance of problem-solving for the greater good
  • D) The joy of keeping everything for himself
A young boy with a quick wit and problem-solving skills. becomes a hero for the entire region through his actions.

Reflection Questions

  • What problem did Badshah want to solve?
  • What did Badshah become for the villagers?
  • What did Badshah learn from his journey with the 99 Dirham?

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