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Bailey's Italian Adventure

Bailey, a friendly pulipoo dog, goes to Italy.

Friendly pulipoo dog, brown curly fur and waggy tail. waves goodbye at the airport with his family

First, they visit the famous Tower of Pisa.

Friendly pulipoo dog, brown curly fur and waggy tail. stands on his hind legs next to the leaning tower

Bailey feels the sand between his paws at the beach.

Friendly pulipoo dog, brown curly fur and waggy tail. runs happily on the sandy shore with seashells

The family explores the beautiful city of Rome.

Friendly pulipoo dog, brown curly fur and waggy tail. looks up at the majestic Colosseum in awe

They enjoy tasty pasta and pizza for dinner.

Friendly pulipoo dog, brown curly fur and waggy tail. smiles with a pizza slice in his mouth

Bailey visits the city of Florence and its art museums.

Friendly pulipoo dog, brown curly fur and waggy tail. jumps happily next to a famous painting

They take a boat ride through Venice's canals.

Friendly pulipoo dog, brown curly fur and waggy tail. wears a gondola hat and holds a paddle

Bailey admires the beautiful architecture of Milan.

Friendly pulipoo dog, brown curly fur and waggy tail. looks up at the grand Duomo Cathedral

They enjoy gelato and watch a lively street performer.

Friendly pulipoo dog, brown curly fur and waggy tail. licks a cone while watching a clown juggle

On the way home, Bailey dreams of his next adventure.

Friendly pulipoo dog, brown curly fur and waggy tail. sleeps soundly in the car, dreaming of Italy

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