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Baking Cakes with Mom

Mom and I bake cakes together.

Beautiful black mom with long, flowing hair. and girl baking cakes in kitchen

Mom has beautiful long black hair.

Beautiful black mom with long, flowing hair. with long black hair smiling

We mix flour, sugar, and eggs.

Hands mixing ingredients in a bowl

Mom puts the cake in the oven.

Beautiful black mom with long, flowing hair. putting cake in the oven

We wait patiently for it to bake.

Beautiful black mom with long, flowing hair. and girl watching the oven

The cake smells so delicious.

Cake on a plate, releasing sweet aroma

We decorate the cake with icing.

Beautiful black mom with long, flowing hair. and girl decorating cake with icing

It looks beautiful and tastes amazing!

Beautiful black mom with long, flowing hair. and girl smiling with finished cake

Reflection Questions

  • What do Mom and Child bake together?
  • What does Mom look like?
  • How does the cake taste at the end?

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