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Baklobal Career Academy

Once there was a coaching institute named Baklobal Career Academy. In the coaching, some teachers were lacking knowledge and were fooling the students. They also disturbed the students' learning.

A group of students inside a coaching institute, with teachers who lack knowledge.

Every student had paid the fees, so they couldn't leave the coaching. Some teachers used bad words and abused the students. The coaching head also didn't care about their problems.

A group of determined and brave teenagers feeling trapped with no support from teachers or coaching head.

Students tried to share their problems with the head, but no one responded ever.

A group of determined and brave teenagers attempting to reach out to the coaching head.

Frustrated and determined to bring an end to the institute's misconduct, the students decided to take matters into their own hands. They formed a student council to gather evidence of the teachers' wrongdoings.

A group of determined and brave teenagers forming a student council to gather evidence.

Armed with extensive proof, the student council presented their case to the local education authority. Shocked by the evidence, the authority agreed to investigate the institute's practices thoroughly.

The student council presenting their case to the local education authority.

During the investigation, it was discovered that the coaching institute had been operating without the required certifications, and the teachers in question were found guilty of misconduct.

The coaching institute exposed for lacking necessary certifications and teachers found guilty.

As a result, Baklobal Career Academy was permanently shut down, and the teachers involved were stripped of their teaching licenses. The students were relieved to finally have justice served.

The coaching institute is shut down and teachers face consequences.

The students, empowered by their ability to bring about change, pledged to never tolerate injustice again. They stood as role models for others, reminding everyone that standing up for what is right can lead to a brighter future.

A group of determined and brave teenagers empowered and determined to fight against injustice.

Reflection Questions

  • How did the students gather evidence against the teachers?
  • What were the consequences for the coaching institute and teachers involved?
  • What message did the students want to convey by standing up against injustice?

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