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Baklobal Career Academy

Once there was a coaching institute named Baklobal Career Academy. In the coaching, some teachers were lacking knowledge and were fooling the students. They also disturbed the students' learning. Every student had paid the fees, so they couldn't leave the coaching. Some teachers used bad words and abused the students. The coaching head also didn't care about their problems. Students tried to share their problems with the head, but no one responded.

A coaching institute with incompetent teachers and a neglectful head.

Despite the difficulties, a group of students decided to take matters into their own hands. They formed a student committee to address the issues at the coaching institute. Each member of the committee had a specific role and responsibility to create positive changes within the academy. They started by gathering feedback from other students about their experiences and concerns.

Students forming a committee to bring positive changes at the coaching institute.

Armed with the feedback, the student committee approached the coaching head once again. This time, they presented a well-documented report highlighting the problems faced by the students. They also included suggestions for improvements and requested the coaching head's active involvement in resolving the issues. The head, impressed by their initiative and organization, agreed to take immediate action.

The student committee presenting a report to the coaching head for improvements.

With the coaching head's support, the student committee worked tirelessly to address the problems. They conducted workshops for the teachers, providing them with additional training and resources to enhance their knowledge and teaching skills. The committee also set up a dedicated student helpline, ensuring that every student's grievances were heard and resolved promptly.

The student committee working to improve teaching quality and student support.

As the positive changes started to take effect, the atmosphere at Baklobal Career Academy transformed. Teachers became more knowledgeable and respectful towards the students. The coaching head regularly interacted with the students, actively seeking their feedback and ensuring their concerns were addressed. The student committee's efforts had created an environment where everyone felt valued and heard.

Positive transformation in the coaching institute's atmosphere due to the efforts of the student committee.

Word about the positive changes at Baklobal Career Academy spread among the students' parents and the community. Enrollment at the coaching institute increased significantly, allowing them to hire more qualified teachers. The institute became a model for positive communication, inspiring other coaching centers to follow their example.

Increased enrollment and recognition for Baklobal Career Academy's positive communication model.

The student committee's efforts brought about lasting improvements at Baklobal Career Academy. Students no longer felt trapped in a place where their concerns were unheard. They had a voice, and their education and well-being became the priority. The coaching institute became a nurturing and supportive environment, allowing every student to thrive.

Empowered students and a nurturing environment at Baklobal Career Academy.

In the end, Baklobal Career Academy became a shining example of positive communication and student empowerment. It taught everyone the importance of standing up for what is right and working together to bring about positive changes. The students learned that their voices matter and that they have the power to make a difference.

Baklobal Career Academy as a shining example of positive communication and student empowerment.

Reflection Questions

  • How did the student committee approach the coaching head to address the issues?
  • What steps did the coaching institute take to improve teaching quality?
  • What impact did the positive changes at Baklobal Career Academy have on other coaching centers?

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