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Baloo and Becky

Baloo loved to fly in his big airplane.

Big, friendly pilot with a love for flying. flying a big airplane in the sky

Becky owned an air cargo company.

Small, kind businesswoman with a soft spot for Baloo. standing in front of her air cargo company

Becky's daughter Molly played with Baloo's airplane toys.

Happy girl who loves playing with airplanes. happily playing with airplane toys

Wildcat fixed the airplanes at the cargo company.

Mechanic in a jumpsuit, fixing airplanes with expertise. wearing a jumpsuit and fixing an airplane

Kit was an orphan who helped with the cargo.

Orphan boy who brings a smile to everyone's face. carrying a box with a smile on his face

Becky got really sick with a disease called polio.

Small, kind businesswoman with a soft spot for Baloo. looking sad and lying in bed

Baloo took care of Becky and kept the business going.

Big, friendly pilot with a love for flying. taking care of Small, kind businesswoman with a soft spot for Baloo. and talking to Mechanic in a jumpsuit, fixing airplanes with expertise.

Baloo and his team worked hard to help everyone.

Big, friendly pilot with a love for flying. and his team smiling and working together

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