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Bashiya and Unicorn

Bashiya had a pet unicorn named Sparkle. They loved to play together.

Curly black hair, blue dress, pink shoes, rainbow headband and White unicorn with rainbow mane and golden horn playing in a field of flowers

One day, Sparkle went missing. Bashiya was very sad.

Curly black hair, blue dress, pink shoes, rainbow headband looking sad and searching for her pet

Bashiya decided to ask her friends for help. She told them all about Sparkle.

Curly black hair, blue dress, pink shoes, rainbow headband talking to her friends and showing a picture of White unicorn with rainbow mane and golden horn

Her friends listened carefully and promised to keep an eye out for Sparkle.

Curly black hair, blue dress, pink shoes, rainbow headband's friends nodding and pointing in different directions

Bashiya looked everywhere. She searched the forest and checked the nearby villages.

Curly black hair, blue dress, pink shoes, rainbow headband searching in the forest and looking at maps

After many days of searching, Bashiya heard a faint sound in the distance.

Curly black hair, blue dress, pink shoes, rainbow headband's ears perked up, listening intently

It was Sparkle! Bashiya quickly followed the sound and found her pet.

Curly black hair, blue dress, pink shoes, rainbow headband smiling and hugging White unicorn with rainbow mane and golden horn tightly

Sparkle had been trapped in a deep pit, but Bashiya's good listening helped save her.

Curly black hair, blue dress, pink shoes, rainbow headband helping White unicorn with rainbow mane and golden horn out of a pit with a rope

Bashiya learned the importance of listening and how it can lead to happy endings.

Curly black hair, blue dress, pink shoes, rainbow headband and White unicorn with rainbow mane and golden horn happily walking home together

From that day on, Bashiya and Sparkle always listened to each other.

Curly black hair, blue dress, pink shoes, rainbow headband and White unicorn with rainbow mane and golden horn sitting together, listening attentively

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Bashiya sad?
  • Who helped Bashiya search for Sparkle?
  • What did Bashiya learn from this experience?

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