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Batman and the Friendly Batmobile

Batman drove his shiny black Batmobile.

Black suit, cape, mask, and utility belt. driving his black Shiny black car with rocket boosters. on a road

The Batmobile had powerful rocket boosters.

Shiny black car with rocket boosters. with rocket boosters zooming through the air

They were a great team, solving crimes together.

Black suit, cape, mask, and utility belt. and Shiny black car with rocket boosters. catching thieves in Gotham City

One day, Batman got a new friend, a green parrot.

Black suit, cape, mask, and utility belt. with a green parrot sitting on his shoulder

The parrot loved riding in the Batmobile.

Green parrot with colorful feathers and a friendly expression. happily sitting on the Shiny black car with rocket boosters.'s dashboard

They went on missions and saved the day.

Black suit, cape, mask, and utility belt. and parrot catching criminals and rescuing people

The parrot chirped and warned Batman of danger.

Green parrot with colorful feathers and a friendly expression. chirping and pointing towards a hidden enemy

They made a great team with their friendship.

Black suit, cape, mask, and utility belt. and parrot doing a fist bump in victory

The Batmobile felt happy with Batman and the parrot.

Shiny black car with rocket boosters. surrounded by Black suit, cape, mask, and utility belt. and parrot, all smiling

Their friendship made their adventures even more special.

Black suit, cape, mask, and utility belt., parrot, and Shiny black car with rocket boosters. having fun together in Gotham

Reflection Questions

  • How do Batman and the Batmobile help each other?
  • Who is Batman's new friend?
  • Why is friendship important?

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