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Bawang Merah Bawang Putih

Once upon a time, there were two sisters.

Two sisters standing together in a garden

Bawang Merah is beautiful but mean. Bawang Putih is kind and gentle.

Red dress, mean expression, angry eyes with red dress, White dress, kind expression, happy eyes with white dress

Their mother went to a party, gave them a bucket of rice to cook.

Mother giving a bucket of rice to cook

Bawang Merah cooked rice with no water. Bawang Putih cooked rice with water.

Red dress, mean expression, angry eyes cooking without water, White dress, kind expression, happy eyes cooking with water

Bawang Putih's rice was delicious. Bawang Merah's rice was awful.

Delicious rice with steam coming out, awful rice with flies

Bawang Merah blamed Bawang Putih for her awful rice.

Red dress, mean expression, angry eyes pointing at White dress, kind expression, happy eyes accusingly

The next time their mother went to the party, she left them a fish to cook.

Mother giving a fish to cook

This time, Bawang Putih cooked the fish perfectly.

White dress, kind expression, happy eyes holding a perfectly cooked fish

Again, Bawang Merah blamed Bawang Putih for her unsuccessful cooking.

Red dress, mean expression, angry eyes pointing at White dress, kind expression, happy eyes accusingly, again

Finally, the mother found out the truth and punished Bawang Merah.

Mother scolding Red dress, mean expression, angry eyes

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