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Bear and Monkey's Adventure

One sunny day, Bear and Monkey became friends.

Bear is big and brown with a friendly smile. and Monkey is small and playful with a mischievous grin. sitting under a tall tree

One day, Bear was feeling sad and lonely.

Bear is big and brown with a friendly smile. sitting alone with a tear in his eye

Monkey saw Bear and asked, "Are you okay?"

Monkey is small and playful with a mischievous grin. looking concerned and pointing to Bear is big and brown with a friendly smile.

Bear sniffled and said, "I feel sad and lonely."

Bear is big and brown with a friendly smile. with a frown on his face

Monkey smiled and said, "I will be your friend."

Monkey is small and playful with a mischievous grin. extending a hand towards Bear is big and brown with a friendly smile.

Bear and Monkey played games and had fun.

Bear is big and brown with a friendly smile. and Monkey is small and playful with a mischievous grin. laughing and playing together

One day, Monkey felt scared and worried.

Monkey is small and playful with a mischievous grin. hiding behind a rock with a fearful expression

Bear noticed Monkey and asked, "Are you okay?"

Bear is big and brown with a friendly smile. looking concerned and pointing to Monkey is small and playful with a mischievous grin.

Monkey said, "I'm scared. There are loud noises."

Monkey is small and playful with a mischievous grin. covering his ears, looking frightened

Bear smiled and said, "I'll protect you, my friend."

Bear is big and brown with a friendly smile. standing tall and strong next to Monkey is small and playful with a mischievous grin.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Monkey help Bear feel better?
  • What did Bear do when Monkey felt scared?
  • Why is it important to help our friends?

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