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Beata Victoria Diez

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Beata Victoria Diez.

Beata is a little girl with curly brown hair. in a beautiful garden with flowers, butterflies

Beata loved to explore the world around her.

Beata is a little girl with curly brown hair. in a forest, looking up at tall trees

One day, Beata discovered a hidden door in her backyard.

Beata is a little girl with curly brown hair. by a small door in a tree trunk

Curiosity got the better of her, and Beata opened the door.

Beata is a little girl with curly brown hair. surprised, surrounded by magical creatures and colors

Inside, she found a magical world full of talking animals.

Beata is a little girl with curly brown hair. with a squirrel and a rabbit, talking

Beata made friends with a wise old owl named Oliver.

Beata is a little girl with curly brown hair. with Oliver is a wise old owl with gray feathers., the owl, looking wise and friendly

Oliver told Beata about a lost crown that needed to be found.

Beata is a little girl with curly brown hair. and Oliver is a wise old owl with gray feathers. looking at a picture of a crown

Together, they set off on an adventure to find the crown.

Beata is a little girl with curly brown hair. and Oliver is a wise old owl with gray feathers. walking through a magical forest

After many obstacles, Beata and Oliver found the crown.

Beata is a little girl with curly brown hair. and Oliver is a wise old owl with gray feathers. holding the crown, victorious

Beata returned home, grateful for her magical journey.

Beata is a little girl with curly brown hair. waving goodbye to Oliver is a wise old owl with gray feathers., happy and grateful

Reflection Questions

  • What did Beata find in her backyard?
  • Who did Beata make friends with?
  • How did Beata feel at the end of her journey?

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