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Beautiful Monkey in a Tree
एक पेड़ पर सुंदर बंदर
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful monkey who lived in a big tree. एक बार की बात है, एक सुंदर बंदर एक बड़े पेड़ पर रहता था।
A picture of a colorful Soft brown fur, big curious eyes, happy and playful happily swinging from the branches of a tall tree.
The monkey had soft brown fur and big, curious eyes. बंदर के मुलायम भूरे बाल और बड़ी, उत्सुक आँखें थीं।
A close-up picture of the Soft brown fur, big curious eyes, happy and playful's face, showing its brown fur and wide eyes.
Every day, the monkey would leap and play, swinging from branch to branch with grace. हर दिन, बंदर छलांग लगाता और खेलता, शालीनता से एक शाखा से दूसरी शाखा पर झूलता।
A picture of the Soft brown fur, big curious eyes, happy and playful jumping from one branch to another, with a big smile on its face.
From high up in the tree, the monkey could see the colorful birds flying by and hear the buzzing of the busy bees. पेड़ की ऊँचाई से, बंदर रंग-बिरंगे पक्षियों को उड़ते हुए देख सकता था और व्यस्त मधुमक्खियों की भिनभिनाहट सुन सकता था।
A picture of the Soft brown fur, big curious eyes, happy and playful sitting on a high branch, looking down at flying Colorful feathers, flying in the sky and Buzzing around flowers, small and striped buzzing among flowers.
The monkey was happy in its tree home, surrounded by the peaceful sounds of nature. बंदर प्रकृति की शांतिपूर्ण ध्वनियों से घिरे अपने पेड़ के घर में खुश था।
A picture of the Soft brown fur, big curious eyes, happy and playful curled up on a branch, looking content and peaceful.
When the sun set and the moon rose, the monkey would close its eyes and dream of new adventures for the next day. जब सूरज डूबता था और चंद्रमा उगता था, तो बंदर अपनी आँखें बंद कर लेता था और अगले दिन के लिए नए रोमांच का सपना देखता था।
A picture of the Soft brown fur, big curious eyes, happy and playful sleeping on a branch under the moonlight, with a peaceful expression on its face.

Reflection Questions

  • What color was the monkey's fur?
  • What sounds could the monkey hear from the tree?
  • What did the monkey dream about at night?

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