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Beauty and the Beast

Once upon a time, in a small village, lived a young girl named Belle. She was known for her intelligence and love for books. One day, her father was captured by a Beast in a nearby castle. In exchange for her father's freedom, Belle decided to take his place as the Beast's prisoner.

Intelligent girl who loves books, brown hair, blue dress agrees to be the Enormous, hairy creature with kind eyes, brown and black's prisoner, yellow, suspenseful

Despite her initial fear, Belle soon discovered that the Beast was not as cruel as he seemed. He had been cursed by an enchantress and could only break the spell if someone loved him despite his appearance. As time passed, Belle and the Beast started to develop a unique bond.

Intelligent girl who loves books, brown hair, blue dress realizes Enormous, hairy creature with kind eyes, brown and black's true nature and they bond, blue, heartwarming

Belle learned about the enchanted rose that served as a timer for the curse. If the last petal fell before the Beast found true love, he would remain a beast forever. Determined to help him, Belle worked hard to understand him and see beyond his appearance.

Intelligent girl who loves books, brown hair, blue dress discovers the enchanted rose and vows to help Enormous, hairy creature with kind eyes, brown and black, red, determined

One day, Belle was given the opportunity to leave the castle and visit her sick father. She had to return within a week, or else the Beast would die from his curse. Despite the risk, Belle left and rushed to her father's side, showing compassion and love.

Intelligent girl who loves books, brown hair, blue dress leaves to see her sick father, risking Enormous, hairy creature with kind eyes, brown and black's life, green, compassionate

As Belle tended to her father, she realized that she loved the Beast. She rushed back to the castle just in time, declaring her love for him. In that moment, the curse was broken, and the Beast transformed into a handsome prince. They lived happily ever after, showing that true love sees beyond appearances.

Intelligent girl who loves books, brown hair, blue dress confesses her love, Enormous, hairy creature with kind eyes, brown and black transforms into prince, pink, happily ever after

Reflection Questions

  • How did Belle feel about books?
  • What was the Beast's appearance like?
  • What did Belle do to break the Beast's curse?

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