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Bedtime Battle

It was bedtime and Sophie didn't want to sleep.

Sophie refusing to sleep, parents are tired

Her parents tried to convince her with a story.

Parents holding a book, Sophie looks uninterested

They told her about the adventures of a brave princess.

Illustration of a princess riding a horse

But Sophie still didn't want to close her eyes.

Sophie with eyes wide open, parents still trying

So, her parents brought her favorite stuffed animal.

Parents holding a stuffed animal, Sophie still resisting

They sang her a lullaby and slowly rocked her to sleep.

Parents singing while rocking Sophie gently

But Sophie suddenly woke up from a scary dream.

Sophie with wide eyes, parents comforting her

Her parents hugged her tight and chased the monsters away.

Illustration of parents scaring off imagined monsters

They tucked her back in and promised to be there always.

Parents hugging Sophie as she falls asleep peacefully

With love and comfort, Sophie fell into a deep slumber.

Sophie sleeping with a smile, parents watching over

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