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Being ENOUGH in Your Own Eyes
Om GENOEG te wees in jou eie oë
Once upon a time in a colorful land, there lived a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to paint and draw, but sometimes she felt like she wasn't good enough. One day, while painting her favorite flower, Lily remembered something her mom always told her. "You are enough just the way you are," her mom would say with a smile. Eens op 'n tyd in 'n kleurvolle land het daar 'n dogtertjie met die naam Lily gewoon. Lily was mal daaroor om te skilder en teken, maar soms het sy gevoel sy was nie goed genoeg nie. Eendag, terwyl Lily haar gunstelingblom verf, het Lily iets onthou wat haar ma altyd vir haar gesê het. "Jy is genoeg net soos jy is," sal haar ma met 'n glimlag sê.
A little girl with curly brown hair and a colorful dress. painting in a colorful room with a big smile.
With renewed confidence, Lily continued to paint and draw. She created beautiful scenes with vibrant colors and wild creatures. But when she showed her artwork to her friends, they laughed and said it wasn't good enough. Lily felt sad and doubted herself again. Met hernieude selfvertroue het Lily voortgegaan om te skilder en teken. Sy het pragtige tonele geskep met lewendige kleure en wilde wesens. Maar toe sy haar kunswerk aan haar vriende wys, het hulle gelag en gesê dit is nie goed genoeg nie. Lily voel hartseer en twyfel weer aan haarself.
A little girl with curly brown hair and a colorful dress. showing her artwork to her friends who are laughing.
One evening, a wise owl named Oliver saw Lily sitting alone, looking sad. Oliver perched on a branch and said, "Lily, remember that you are enough in your own eyes. Your art reflects your unique spirit and brings joy to your heart. Don't let anyone else's opinion define your worth." Lily listened carefully and felt a warm glow inside her. Een aand het 'n wyse uil met die naam Oliver vir Lily sien sit en hartseer lyk. Oliver het op 'n tak gaan sit en gesê: "Lily, onthou dat jy genoeg is in jou eie oë. Jou kuns weerspieël jou unieke gees en bring vreugde in jou hart. Moenie toelaat dat iemand anders se opinie jou waarde bepaal nie." Lily luister aandagtig en voel 'n warm gloed in haar binneste.
A little girl with curly brown hair and a colorful dress. sitting under a tree, listening to the wise owl.
From that day forward, Lily painted and drew with confidence, embracing her unique style. She made amazing art and shared it with the world. Some people loved her work, while others didn't understand it. But Lily didn't mind because she knew that she was enough in her own eyes. Van daardie dag af het Lily met selfvertroue geverf en geteken en haar unieke styl omhels. Sy het wonderlike kuns gemaak en dit met die wêreld gedeel. Sommige mense was mal oor haar werk, terwyl ander dit nie verstaan het nie. Maar Lily het nie omgegee nie, want sy het geweet sy is genoeg in haar eie oë.
A little girl with curly brown hair and a colorful dress. proudly displaying her artwork with a smiling crowd.
The end. Die einde.
A little girl with curly brown hair and a colorful dress. waving goodbye with a happy face.

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Lily doubt herself?
  • What did Lily's mom always tell her?
  • Why did Lily wave goodbye at the end?

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