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Believing in Myself
الإيمان بنفسي
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was very shy and lacked confidence in herself. Lily often felt scared to try new things because she was afraid of making mistakes. ذات مرة ، كانت هناك فتاة صغيرة اسمها ليلي. كانت خجولة للغاية وتفتقر إلى الثقة في نفسها. غالبًا ما شعرت ليلي بالخوف من تجربة أشياء جديدة لأنها كانت تخشى ارتكاب الأخطاء.
Lily, shy girl lacking confidence, scared of trying new things
One day, Lily's teacher assigned a project to the class. Each student had to come up with an idea and present it to the class. Lily's heart sank as she thought of speaking in front of everyone. في أحد الأيام ، خصص مدرس ليلي مشروعًا للفصل. كان على كل طالب أن يأتي بفكرة ويقدمها إلى الفصل. غرق قلب ليلي وهي تفكر في التحدث أمام الجميع.
Teacher assigns a project, Lily scared of presenting
Despite her fears, Lily remembered what her mom always told her - that she was smart and capable. With a deep breath, Lily decided to give it a try. She spent hours working on her project, pouring her heart and ideas into it. على الرغم من مخاوفها ، تذكرت ليلي ما قالته لها والدتها دائمًا - إنها ذكية وقادرة. بعمق ، قررت ليلي أن تجربها. أمضت ساعات في العمل على مشروعها ، وصبّت قلبها وأفكارها فيه.
Lily remembers mom's words, decides to try her best
The day of the presentations arrived. Lily's hands were sweaty, and her heart raced. She nervously stood in front of the class and began sharing her project. As she spoke, something wonderful happened - her classmates were amazed by her ideas! وصل يوم العروض التقديمية. كانت يدا ليلي متعرقتين ، وسار قلبها. وقفت بعصبية أمام الفصل وبدأت تشارك مشروعها. بينما كانت تتحدث ، حدث شيء رائع - زملائها في الفصل اندهشوا من أفكارها!
Lily presents, classmates amazed by her ideas
Lily started to feel proud of herself. She realized that taking risks and trying new things wasn't as scary as she thought. From that day on, Lily began to believe in herself more. بدأت ليلي تشعر بالفخر بنفسها. أدركت أن المخاطرة وتجربة أشياء جديدة لم يكن مخيفًا كما اعتقدت. منذ ذلك اليوم ، بدأت ليلي تؤمن بنفسها أكثر.
Lily feels proud, realizes taking risks is not scary
As the years went by, Lily continued to challenge herself and try new things. She discovered talents and interests she never knew she had. Lily's self-esteem grew stronger, and she became more confident in her abilities. مع مرور السنين ، واصلت ليلي تحدي نفسها وتجربة أشياء جديدة. لقد اكتشفت المواهب والاهتمامات التي لم تكن تعرف أنها تمتلكها أبدًا. نما تقدير ليلي للذات ، وأصبحت أكثر ثقة في قدراتها.
Lily challenges herself, discovers talents, becomes confident
Lily learned that it's important to believe in oneself and take responsibility for one's own happiness and success. She also realized that making mistakes is okay because they help us learn and grow. تعلمت ليلي أنه من المهم أن تؤمن بنفسها وتتحمل مسؤولية سعادة الفرد ونجاحه. أدركت أيضًا أن ارتكاب الأخطاء أمر جيد لأنها تساعدنا على التعلم والنمو.
Lily learns to believe in herself, take responsibility

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Lily scared to try new things and make mistakes?
  • What happened when Lily decided to give the project a try?
  • What did Lily learn about self-esteem and responsibility?

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