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Benjamin and the Bananas

One sunny day, Ben went to the zoo.

Benjamin at zoo with gorilla

He saw a monkey eating a banana.

monkey holding a banana

Benjamin thought the banana looked tasty.

Benjamin looking at the banana

He asked the monkey for a bite.

Benjamin asking monkey for food

The monkey shared the banana with a smile.

Monkey and Benjamin sharing the banana

Benjamin felt happy and made a new friend.

Benjamin and monkey hugging

Next, Benjamin saw an elephant eating an apple.

elephant eating an apple

He asked the elephant for a taste.

Benjamin asking elephant for food

The elephant shared the apple with joy.

Elephant and Benjamin sharing the apple

Benjamin felt grateful and made another friend.

Benjamin and elephant holding trunks

Reflection Questions

  • What did Benjamin see at the zoo?
  • How did the monkey and Benjamin become friends?
  • How did Benjamin feel after sharing the apple?

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