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Bennett the Dinosaur goes to the Moon

Once upon a time, there was a dinosaur named Bennett. He was big, green, and very friendly. One day, Bennett looked up at the night sky and saw a bright, round object. It was the moon! Bennett had never been to the moon before, so he decided to go on an adventure.

Big, green dinosaur with a friendly smile and a backpack the dinosaur looks up at the moon in amazement.

Bennett packed a backpack with snacks, a map, and a telescope. He was ready for his journey to the moon. He took a big leap and soared through the sky. As he got closer to the moon, he noticed that everything was covered in a shiny layer of moon dust.

Big, green dinosaur with a friendly smile and a backpack the dinosaur jumps through the sky towards the moon.

When Bennett finally landed on the moon, he saw that it was a whole new world. The rocks were gray and there were craters everywhere. Bennett explored and discovered a group of friendly moon creatures. They were the colors of the rainbow and had sparkly antennas.

Big, green dinosaur with a friendly smile and a backpack the dinosaur explores the gray moon and meets colorful moon creatures.

Bennett and the moon creatures became good friends. They played games, had moon picnics, and even danced under the stars. Bennett was having the best time ever! But after a while, he started to miss his family and friends back on Earth.

Big, green dinosaur with a friendly smile and a backpack the dinosaur and the moon creatures play and have fun together.

Bennett knew it was time to go back home. He said goodbye to his new moon friends and took a giant leap off the moon's surface. As he flew back to Earth, Bennett looked back at the moon with a smile. He knew he would always cherish the memories of his amazing adventure.

Big, green dinosaur with a friendly smile and a backpack the dinosaur leaps off the moon and looks back with a smile.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Bennett feel when he saw the moon for the first time?
  • What did Bennett discover on the moon?
  • Why did Bennett decide to go back home?

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