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Benny and Billy's Honesty Adventure

Once upon a time, there were two bird brothers named Benny and Billy. They lived happily on a big tree with their mom, dad, and little sister. The tree was their home, and they loved playing and exploring together.

A big tree with green leaves, Benny is a small bird with brown feathers and bright blue eyes and Billy is also a small bird, but he has gray feathers and shiny black eyes playing with their little sister

One sunny day, Benny and Billy found a shiny red apple on the ground. They both wanted to eat it, but they knew they had to ask their parents first. They flew back to their nest and showed the apple to their mom and dad.

Benny is a small bird with brown feathers and bright blue eyes and Billy is also a small bird, but he has gray feathers and shiny black eyes flying back to their nest, showing the apple to their mom and dad

Their mom and dad were proud of Benny and Billy for being honest. They explained that the apple belonged to someone else and it was important to return it. So, Benny and Billy flew back to where they found the apple and left it there.

Benny is a small bird with brown feathers and bright blue eyes and Billy is also a small bird, but he has gray feathers and shiny black eyes flying back to where they found the apple, leaving it on the ground

As they flew back to their tree, Benny and Billy felt happy and proud. They knew that being honest was the right thing to do. From that day on, they always told the truth and helped others whenever they could.

Benny is a small bird with brown feathers and bright blue eyes and Billy is also a small bird, but he has gray feathers and shiny black eyes flying back to their tree, feeling happy and proud

And so, Benny and Billy lived happily ever after, always remembering the importance of honesty. The end.

Benny is a small bird with brown feathers and bright blue eyes and Billy is also a small bird, but he has gray feathers and shiny black eyes living happily on their tree, surrounded by their family

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Benny and Billy ask their parents about the apple?
  • How did Benny and Billy feel when they returned the apple?
  • What did Benny and Billy learn about honesty?

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