Once upon a time, in a magical forest nestled between towering trees, there lived a baby bear named Benny. Benny was the cutest and the cuddliest little bear in the whole wide forest. He loved exploring and playing with his friends, but there was something that made him a little bit anxious: using the potty. Benny's mommy and daddy bear would gently encourage him to start using the potty like a big bear, but Benny was scared. He would shake his little bear paws and say, "Mommy, Daddy, what if I make a mistake? What if I can't do it?" His parents would hold his paws and reassure him, "Benny, my brave little bear, all you need is a little bit of confidence, and you can conquer anything!"
One sunny morning, Benny woke up feeling determined. He marched to his mommy and daddy bear and declared, "Today is the day! I'm going to learn how to use the potty." His parents smiled, their hearts filled with pride for their courageous little cub. Together, they went to the forest, where Benny's potty adventures would begin. Benny spotted a shiny, golden potty nestled under a beautiful tree. It had the softest cushion and the friendliest face painted on it, which made Benny feel warm inside.
Benny took a deep breath, reminding himself that he was a strong and confident bear. He climbed onto the golden potty and said, "Okay, potty, I'm ready! Show me what you've got!" The potty, filled with joy, replied, "Oh, Benny, you're going to do just fine! Trust yourself." Even though Benny was still hesitant, he remembered what his parents told him about confidence. So, he closed his eyes, took a deepe breath, and believed in himself. Slowly but surely, Benny let out a little pee, and the potty cheered, "Hooray, Benny, you did it!"
Benny's smile stretched from ear to ear. He felt proud of himself and proud of his potty friend. From that day forward, Benny would visit his golden potty every time he needed to go. He would sing songs, read books, and share stories with his potty companion, having the confidence to do it all by himself. Word soon spread around the forest about Benny, the bravest little bear who conquered his fears. All his friends clapped their paws and said, "Benny, you're amazing! You have shown us that being confident can help us achieve anything we set our minds to!"
And so, Benny, the little bear, continued to spread his confidence throughout the forest. He helped his friends learn new things, find their courage, and believe in themselves. Benny knew that confidence was the key to unlocking countless adventures filled with joy and love. From that day on, whenever Benny faced something new, he remembered his potty journey and smiled, knowing he could do it. And to this day, his confidence shines bright, reminding everyone that even the smallest bears can achieve their wildest dreams.
Reflection Questions