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Benny the Brave Bunny's Big Adventure

Once upon a time, in a sunny meadow, there lived Benny, a brave little bunny with soft brown fur and floppy ears.

Sunny meadow, A brave bunny with soft brown fur and floppy ears the bunny with brown fur and floppy ears

One day, Benny woke up feeling adventurous. 'I want to see the world!' he exclaimed.

A brave bunny with soft brown fur and floppy ears excitedly jumping out of his cozy burrow

With a leap and a bound, Benny set off on his grand adventure. Along the way, he met a wise old owl named Oliver.

A brave bunny with soft brown fur and floppy ears meeting A wise old owl with big round eyes the owl in the forest

'Where are you going, young bunny?' asked Oliver. 'I'm exploring the world!' replied Benny.

A brave bunny with soft brown fur and floppy ears and A wise old owl with big round eyes talking in the forest

Together, they ventured through a deep and dark forest, crossed a bubbling brook, and climbed a towering mountain.

A brave bunny with soft brown fur and floppy ears and A wise old owl with big round eyes crossing the brook and climbing the mountain

At the top of the mountain, Benny saw a breathtaking view. 'Wow! The world is so big and beautiful,' he exclaimed.

A brave bunny with soft brown fur and floppy ears amazed by the view from the mountain top

After their exciting journey, Benny thanked Oliver for being his guide and promised to return home safely.

A brave bunny with soft brown fur and floppy ears saying goodbye to A wise old owl with big round eyes with a smile

With a heart full of courage and memories of his adventure, Benny hopped back home, ready for new adventures tomorrow.

A brave bunny with soft brown fur and floppy ears happily hopping back to his cozy burrow

Reflection Questions

  • How does Benny feel when he wakes up?
  • Who does Benny meet on his adventure?
  • What does Benny promise Oliver?

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