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Berry and the Rambunctious Puppy

Berry the calico cat spends his days at the peaceful Ramen Cafe.

Calico cat with orange, black, and white fur. the calico cat at the Ramen Cafe

One day, Mia's boyfriend Zack started bringing his rambunctious puppy Max in.

Boyfriend with curly brown hair and blue eyes. brings his puppy Energetic puppy with brown fur and floppy ears. to the cafe

Max's energy disrupted the calm vibes of the cafe.

Energetic puppy with brown fur and floppy ears. the puppy causes chaos at the cafe

Berry decided to take matters into his own paws.

Calico cat with orange, black, and white fur. gets ready to take charge

He calmly approached Max and showed him how to behave.

Calico cat with orange, black, and white fur. teaches Energetic puppy with brown fur and floppy ears. to calm down nicely

Max learned to be patient and not disturb the cafe anymore.

Energetic puppy with brown fur and floppy ears. learns to be patient and behaves

The cafe returned to its peaceful state, thanks to Berry's patience.

The calm cafe, thanks to Calico cat with orange, black, and white fur.'s patience

Berry was proud of himself for teaching Max the importance of patience.

Calico cat with orange, black, and white fur. proud of teaching Energetic puppy with brown fur and floppy ears. patience

Reflection Questions

  • How did Berry feel about the calm cafe?
  • What did Berry teach Max?
  • Why was patience important in the story?

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