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Best Friends Forever

Once upon a time, there were two best friends named Lily and Jack. They did everything together and always had each other's back. They laughed, played, and shared their toys, always bringing each other joy.

The page shows Lily has long brown hair and bright blue eyes and Jack has short black hair and sparkling brown eyes playing together in a colorful park, laughing and sharing toys.

One day, Lily had a secret that she needed to confide. She told Jack that she was feeling sick deep inside. Jack listened carefully and held Lily's hand, promising to support her and help her understand.

The page shows Lily has long brown hair and bright blue eyes and Jack has short black hair and sparkling brown eyes sitting on a bench, with Lily has long brown hair and bright blue eyes looking worried and Jack has short black hair and sparkling brown eyes holding her hand.

Together, they went to the doctor, who said something they didn't want to hear. Lily had a disease called cancer, and it filled them both with fear. But Jack stayed by her side, never leaving her alone, showing her love and making her feel known.

The page portrays Lily has long brown hair and bright blue eyes and Jack has short black hair and sparkling brown eyes at the doctor's office, with worried expressions on their faces, but holding hands.

Jack helped Lily through her treatments and made her smile. He brought her favorite books and played games to pass the while. With each passing day, Lily grew stronger and stronger. Her laughter returned, and the sadness lingered no longer.

The page depicts Lily has long brown hair and bright blue eyes and Jack has short black hair and sparkling brown eyes in a hospital room, playing, reading, and laughing together.

Finally, the day came when Lily was declared cancer-free. She thanked Jack for his unwavering support, feeling happy as can be. Their friendship grew even stronger through all the trials they had faced. Lily and Jack remained best friends forever, their bond could never be erased.

The page shows Lily has long brown hair and bright blue eyes and Jack has short black hair and sparkling brown eyes hugging, with smiles on their faces, surrounded by balloons and confetti.

Reflection Questions

  • What did Lily tell Jack one day?
  • What disease did Lily have?
  • How did Jack support Lily?

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