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Betrayed by Love

My name is Suman, I am 36 years old.

A strong woman with a warm smile, vibrant and determined, a woman in her mid-thirties

I am married but my husband doesn't treat me equally.

A strong woman with a warm smile, vibrant and determined and her husband in a tense conversation

He deceived me, saying that I belong to a higher caste.

A strong woman with a warm smile, vibrant and determined shocked by her husband's lie

He destroyed my life with his lies.

A strong woman with a warm smile, vibrant and determined devastated and broken

But I have friends who support me through it all.

A strong woman with a warm smile, vibrant and determined surrounded by supportive friends

They help me find strength and love myself.

A strong woman with a warm smile, vibrant and determined and her friends empowering each other

Together, we rise above the betrayal and start anew.

A strong woman with a warm smile, vibrant and determined and her friends moving forward with resilience

Friendship is the healing balm for a broken heart.

A strong woman with a warm smile, vibrant and determined and her friends embracing friendship and healing

Reflection Questions

  • How did Suman's husband betray her?
  • Who supported Suman during her difficult times?
  • What role did friendship play in Suman's healing process?

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