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Beverly's Dance Competition

Beverly had a dance competition coming up. She knew she was in for a long car ride with her brothers all the way to Oregon.

Where was Beverly going for her dance competition?

  • A) California
  • B) Texas
  • C) New York
  • D) Oregon
Beverly: A confident dancer with a bright smile and determination sitting in a car with her two brothers, the road stretching ahead

She was nervous but knew she would do well. She had won lots of ribbons before.

What had Beverly won before?

  • A) Medals
  • B) Ribbons
  • C) Certificates
  • D) Trophies
Beverly: A confident dancer with a bright smile and determination with a confident smile, holding ribbons in her hands

This was the last big event before middle school, so saying goodbye to her friends would be hard.

Why would saying goodbye to her friends be hard?

  • A) She was happy to leave them
  • B) She had new friends in Oregon
  • C) She didn't like her friends
  • D) She would miss them
Beverly: A confident dancer with a bright smile and determination hugging her friends, tears in her eyes

Beverly also felt confident about her dance performance. She practiced every day.

What did Beverly do to feel confident?

  • A) She didn't practice at all
  • B) She relied on luck
  • C) She copied others' moves
  • D) She practiced every day
Beverly: A confident dancer with a bright smile and determination practicing dance, wearing her favorite pink leotard

As the car ride continued, Beverly reminded herself of all her past dance accomplishments.

What did Beverly do during the car ride?

  • A) She played games with her brothers
  • B) She slept the whole time
  • C) She reminded herself of her past dance accomplishments
  • D) She talked to her parents
Beverly: A confident dancer with a bright smile and determination looking out the car window, remembering her past victories

Finally, they arrived in Oregon. Beverly felt a mix of excitement and nervousness.

How did Beverly feel when they arrived in Oregon?

  • A) Sad and disappointed
  • B) Tired and frustrated
  • C) Excited and confident
  • D) Scared and worried
Beverly: A confident dancer with a bright smile and determination getting out of the car, surrounded by a beautiful setting

The day of the dance competition arrived. Beverly took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.

What did Beverly do before stepping onto the stage?

  • A) She cried and ran away
  • B) She froze and couldn't move
  • C) She took a deep breath
  • D) She laughed and danced around
Beverly: A confident dancer with a bright smile and determination standing on stage, taking a deep breath before performing

Beverly danced with confidence, showcasing her talent and hard work. When the performance ended, the crowd cheered loudly.

How did the crowd react after Beverly's performance?

  • A) They looked bored
  • B) They fell asleep
  • C) They booed and left
  • D) They cheered loudly
Beverly: A confident dancer with a bright smile and determination dancing gracefully, with a big smile and the audience clapping

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Beverly nervous before the car ride?
  • Why did Beverly feel confident about her dance performance?
  • How did Beverly feel when they arrived in Oregon?

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