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Bhoot Uncle's Friendship Adventure

In a small village, lived a friendly ghost.

Ghost in a village

His name was Bhoot Uncle, and he loved making friends.

Friendly ghost with a big smile and glowing aura loves making friends

One day, Bhoot Uncle heard about a magical forest.

Friendly ghost with a big smile and glowing aura hears about a magical forest

He went to explore and met a mischievous monkey.

Friendly ghost with a big smile and glowing aura meets a mischievous monkey

The monkey was lonely and wanted to make friends too.

Mischievous monkey with a playful expression and curly tail wants to make friends

Bhoot Uncle and the monkey became best friends.

Friendly ghost with a big smile and glowing aura and monkey become best friends

They had exciting adventures together in the magical forest.

Friendly ghost with a big smile and glowing aura and monkey have adventures in the forest

Bhoot Uncle and the monkey taught each other many things.

Friendly ghost with a big smile and glowing aura and monkey teach each other

Reflection Questions

  • How did Bhoot Uncle feel about making friends?
  • What did Bhoot Uncle and the monkey do together?
  • Why is it important to be a good friend?

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