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Bianka and Levente's Hévíz Adventure

Once upon a time, in a cozy town called Hévíz, there were two friends, Bianka and Levente. They were on a special holiday at a wellness hotel filled with friendly elderly people from a faraway land called Austria. On the first day, they explored the hotel, finding a warm pool that bubbled like a giant bath.

Introduction of characters and setting at the wellness hotel

The next day, Bianka and Levente had a big breakfast with lots of yummy food. They met an Austrian grandpa who told them stories of mountains and songs. Then they played a treasure hunt game in the hotel, looking for hidden chocolates left by the staff.

Breakfast and playing games with an Austrian grandpa

On the third day, they went to a sauna where steam was as thick as fog. They couldn't see each other, so they played hide and seek using only their voices to find one another. Laughter filled the air as they looked for each other.

Sauna adventures with games of hide and seek

Bianka and Levente found the dining room where they tried lots of different foods. There were sweet fruits, tasty bread and a funny cake that looked like a hedgehog. They made friends with an Austrian lady who taught them how to say 'delicious' in her language.

Trying new foods and learning new words from an Austrian lady

The duo then discovered a room where they could mix drinks and make their own fancy cocktails. They had a contest to see who could make the yummiest drink with the prettiest colors. Even the staff joined in, voting for their favorite mixes!

Making and judging colorful cocktails

On their next adventure, they joined a pool party with floating toys and fun games. Bianka and Levente won a race against the Austrian guests and earned a giant rubber duck as a prize, which they named Mr. Quacksalot.

Pool party, races, and winning a rubber duck prize

On the last day, Bianka and Levente didn't want to leave. They promised all their new friends that they would come back next year. They hugged, said goodbye, and left the hotel with big smiles and hearts full of happy memories.

Saying goodbye to friends and the hotel

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