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Bibo the Little Wolf
Bibo, o Pequeno Lobo
Once upon a time, there was a little wolf named Bibo. He lived in a cozy house near a big lake. Bibo was a playful and friendly wolf who loved to eat fish and drink milk. His best friend was Zizo, a silly rooster who lived nearby. Bibo and Zizo would play together every day. Era uma vez um lobinho chamado Bibo. Ele morava em uma casa aconchegante perto de um grande lago. Bibo era um lobo brincalhão e amigável que adorava comer peixe e beber leite. Seu melhor amigo era Zizo, um galo bobo que morava perto. Bibo e Zizo brincavam juntos todos os dias.
The page shows Bibo is a little wolf He has gray fur and big green eyes, a small wolf, standing outside his house near the lake. Zizo is a rooster with colorful feathers He has red skin and bright yellow eyes, a colorful rooster, is standing next to him. There is a fishing pole next to Bibo is a little wolf He has gray fur and big green eyes and a glass of milk in his hand.
One sunny day, Bibo and Zizo decided to play a game of shuttlecock. Bibo threw the shuttlecock high up in the air and Zizo happily chased after it. Bibo loved spending time with his friend, always laughing and having fun. Num dia de sol, Bibo e Zizo resolveram jogar peteca. Bibo jogou a peteca para o alto e Zizo correu atrás dela alegremente. Bibo adorava passar o tempo com o amigo, sempre rindo e se divertindo.
The page shows Bibo is a little wolf He has gray fur and big green eyes throwing a shuttlecock in the air. Zizo is a rooster with colorful feathers He has red skin and bright yellow eyes is running after it with a big smile on his face. The sky is blue and the sun is shining.
Bibo was a helpful little wolf too. He would assist his father with chores around the house. One day, Bibo took his dad's boot and put it back in the bag where it belonged. His father was very proud of him. Bibo também era um lobinho prestativo. Ele ajudaria seu pai nas tarefas domésticas. Um dia, Bibo pegou a bota do pai e colocou-a de volta na bolsa que pertencia. Seu pai estava muito orgulhoso dele.
The page shows Bibo is a little wolf He has gray fur and big green eyes holding a boot and putting it into a bag. His dad is smiling and patting Bibo is a little wolf He has gray fur and big green eyes's head. The room is cozy with a fireplace and a table with tools.
Sometimes, Bibo could be a bit mischievous. He loved to play the guitar and make silly sounds. But one day, as Bibo was playing, he spotted a big, scary ox. Bibo got frightened and quickly climbed onto the sofa! Às vezes, Bibo podia ser um pouco travesso. Ele adorava tocar violão e fazer sons bobos. Mas um dia, enquanto Bibo brincava, ele avistou um boi grande e assustador. Bibo se assustou e subiu rapidamente no sofá!
The page shows Bibo is a little wolf He has gray fur and big green eyes playing the guitar with a mischievous smile on his face. Then, he sees a large and intimidating ox outside the window. Bibo is a little wolf He has gray fur and big green eyes's eyes widen in fear as he jumps onto the sofa.
Despite being mischievous, Bibo was a clever little wolf. He knew how to make his food delicious. He would put cabbage in his soup and fresh cucumbers in his salad. Bibo loved trying new things and being adventurous with his meals. Apesar de travesso, Bibo era um lobinho esperto. Ele sabia como tornar sua comida deliciosa. Ele colocava repolho na sopa e pepino fresco na salada. Bibo adorava experimentar coisas novas e ser aventureiro em suas refeições.
The page shows Bibo is a little wolf He has gray fur and big green eyes in the kitchen, mixing cabbage in a pot of soup and adding sliced cucumbers to a bowl of salad. He has a mischievous grin on his face.
Bibo's playful nature sometimes got him into trouble. One day, while jumping and rolling around, he accidentally landed on Uncle Tito's foot! Uncle Tito let out a big yelp, and Bibo quickly apologized. He learned to be more careful when playing around. A natureza lúdica de Bibo às vezes o colocava em apuros. Um dia, enquanto pulava e rolava, ele acidentalmente pousou no pé do Tio Tito! Tio Tito soltou um grande grito e Bibo rapidamente se desculpou. Ele aprendeu a ter mais cuidado ao brincar.
The page shows Bibo is a little wolf He has gray fur and big green eyes jumping and rolling in the air, having lots of fun. Suddenly, he lands on Uncle Tito is a bear with brown fur and kind, gentle eyes's foot, and Uncle Tito is a bear with brown fur and kind, gentle eyes looks surprised and slightly hurt. Bibo is a little wolf He has gray fur and big green eyes has a worried expression on his face.

Reflection Questions

  • 1. What did Bibo and Zizo like to do together? 2. What happened when Bibo saw the ox? 3. What did Bibo put in his soup and salad to make them taste yummy?

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