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Big Brother and Little Brother

Once upon a time, there were two brothers named John and Billy. They lived together in a cozy house with their parents.

Two brothers standing outside their cozy house, happy and smiling.

John was the big brother, and he always took care of Billy. He helped him with his homework and taught him new things.

Tall boy with brown hair, wearing a blue shirt and jeans. helping Cute boy with blonde hair, wearing a red shirt and shorts. with his homework, with books and pencils on the table.

One day, while playing in the park, Billy accidentally broke their neighbor's window. He was scared and didn't know what to do.

Cute boy with blonde hair, wearing a red shirt and shorts. looking worried near a broken window, with the neighbor looking angry.

But instead of hiding the truth, Billy went straight to his big brother and told him everything. He knew that honesty was important.

Cute boy with blonde hair, wearing a red shirt and shorts. standing in front of Tall boy with brown hair, wearing a blue shirt and jeans., telling him the truth with a determined expression.

Big Brother didn't get angry with Billy. He hugged him and said, 'I'm proud of you for being honest. Let's go apologize to the neighbor together.'

Tall boy with brown hair, wearing a blue shirt and jeans. hugging Cute boy with blonde hair, wearing a red shirt and shorts., both smiling and walking towards the neighbor's house.

They went to the neighbor's house, and Billy apologized sincerely. The neighbor was surprised by Billy's honesty and forgave him.

Tall boy with brown hair, wearing a blue shirt and jeans. and Cute boy with blonde hair, wearing a red shirt and shorts. standing in front of the neighbor's house, with the neighbor forgiving Billy.

From that day on, Billy learned that being honest was always the best thing to do. He promised himself to always tell the truth.

Cute boy with blonde hair, wearing a red shirt and shorts. smiling and raising his hand, making a promise symbol.

And so, Big Brother and Little Brother continued to live together, always supporting each other and being honest.

Tall boy with brown hair, wearing a blue shirt and jeans. and Cute boy with blonde hair, wearing a red shirt and shorts. happily playing together, holding hands.

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Billy tell his big brother about breaking the neighbor's window?
  • What did the neighbor do when Billy apologized?
  • Why is being honest important?

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