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Bigaboo and the Magic Forest

Bigaboo was a friendly blue dragon with big wings.

Friendly blue dragon with big wings, smiling face the blue dragon with big wings

One day, Bigaboo flew into a magical forest.

Friendly blue dragon with big wings, smiling face flying into a magical forest

In the forest, Bigaboo met a talking squirrel named Nutty.

Friendly blue dragon with big wings, smiling face meeting Talking squirrel with a friendly expression, holding acorns the talking squirrel

Nutty told Bigaboo about the magical tree in the forest.

Talking squirrel with a friendly expression, holding acorns telling Friendly blue dragon with big wings, smiling face about the magical tree

The magical tree could grant one wish to whoever found it.

The magical tree granting wishes

Bigaboo and Nutty searched the forest for the magical tree.

Friendly blue dragon with big wings, smiling face and Talking squirrel with a friendly expression, holding acorns searching for the magical tree

They encountered friendly fairies and helpful butterflies.

Friendly fairies and helpful butterflies in the forest

Finally, Bigaboo and Nutty found the magical tree.

Friendly blue dragon with big wings, smiling face and Talking squirrel with a friendly expression, holding acorns finding the magical tree

Bigaboo wished for peace and happiness for everyone in the world.

Friendly blue dragon with big wings, smiling face wishing for peace and happiness

The magical tree granted Bigaboo's wish, and everyone felt joy.

Everyone feeling joy

Reflection Questions

  • What color is Bigaboo?
  • Who did Bigaboo meet in the forest?
  • What did Bigaboo wish for?

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