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Billi, the Comedy Kitty

In a cozy little town, where laughter filled the air, Lived a clever kitty, with a confident stare. She was known as Billi, the queen of joking rhymes, With her funny comedy, oh, how she’d make the chimes! A for "Applause", as she told her first joke, B for "Banana", that made everyone croak. C for "Comedy", her talent shining bright, D for "Dancing", she'd twirl with all her might!

In a cozy little town, where laughter filled the air,
Lived a clever kitty, with a confident stare.
She was known as Billi, the queen of joking rhymes,
With her funny comedy, oh, how she’d make the chimes! A for "Applause", as she told her first joke,
B for "Banana", that made everyone croak.
C for "Comedy", her talent shining bright,
D for "Dancing", she'd twirl with all her might!

E for "Excitement" when she stepped on the stage, F for "Funniness", her gags like a rage. G for "Giggles" that echoed all around, H for "Humor", that made the audience astound. I for "Imagination", her jokes were out of sight, J for "Jokester", who brought laughter day and night. K for "Knock-knock" jokes, she'd play with humor's key, L for "Laughter", making the crowd happy as can be!

E for "Excitement" when she stepped on the stage,
F for "Funniness", her gags like a rage.
G for "Giggles" that echoed all around,
H for "Humor", that made the audience astound. I for "Imagination", her jokes were out of sight,
J for "Jokester", who brought laughter day and night.
K for "Knock-knock" jokes, she'd play with humor's key,
L for "Laughter", making the crowd happy as can be!

M for "Mischief", she'd pounce on the funny plot, N for "Nose snorts", as she tickled them a lot. O for "Outfits", her costumes grand and bright, P for "Punchlines", that brought smiles so delight. Q for "Quick-witted", her comebacks never miss, R for "Roaring laughs", a sound you couldn't dismiss. S for "Stand-up", as she charmed the room with sass, T for "Tickling funny bones", her jokes were pretty class!

M for "Mischief", she'd pounce on the funny plot,
N for "Nose snorts", as she tickled them a lot.
O for "Outfits", her costumes grand and bright,
P for "Punchlines", that brought smiles so delight. Q for "Quick-witted", her comebacks never miss,
R for "Roaring laughs", a sound you couldn't dismiss.
S for "Stand-up", as she charmed the room with sass,
T for "Tickling funny bones", her jokes were pretty class!

U for "Unique", her style just like no other, V for "Vibrant", her spirit always did smother. W for "Wit", she had it in every rhyme, X, Y, Z - the alphabet, she mastered in her prime. Billi, the comedy kitty, taught us confidence each day, With her jokes and funny games, she'd show us the way. So let's laugh and learn, our ABCs with her, Billi, our comical queen, who'd make our spirits purr!

U for "Unique", her style just like no other,
V for "Vibrant", her spirit always did smother.
W for "Wit", she had it in every rhyme,
X, Y, Z - the alphabet, she mastered in her prime. Billi, the comedy kitty, taught us confidence each day,
With her jokes and funny games, she'd show us the way.
So let's laugh and learn, our ABCs with her,
Billi, our comical queen, who'd make our spirits purr!

Reflection Questions

  • What is the talent of Billi, the comedy kitty?
  • How did Billi bring happiness to the audience?
  • What did Billi teach us through her jokes?

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