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Billy's Big Adventure

Billy loved going to school every day.

Blond hair, blue shirt, glasses, holding books. smiling while holding books and pencils

He learned math, science, and how to read.

Blond hair, blue shirt, glasses, holding books. with a math book, a science experiment, and a book

One day, the teacher said they were going on a field trip.

Blond hair, blue shirt, glasses, holding books. and his classmates getting on a bus

They went to a museum and saw dinosaur bones.

Blond hair, blue shirt, glasses, holding books. and his classmates looking at dinosaur exhibits

Billy was amazed by the ancient creatures.

Blond hair, blue shirt, glasses, holding books. with wide eyes, looking at dinosaur skeletons

Back in class, they learned about art and painted pictures.

Blond hair, blue shirt, glasses, holding books. and his classmates with paintbrushes and easels

Billy loved how school made him feel curious and excited.

Blond hair, blue shirt, glasses, holding books. with a thought bubble showing a question mark and an exclamation point

He couldn't wait to learn more every day!

Blond hair, blue shirt, glasses, holding books. jumping in the air with excitement

Reflection Questions

  • What did Billy love about going to school?
  • Where did Billy and his classmates go on their field trip?
  • How did learning at school make Billy feel?

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