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Birbal or Akbar

Once upon a time, there was a great king named Akbar. He was very wise and clever. Akbar had a close friend named Birbal. Birbal was also very smart and intelligent. People from all over the kingdom used to come to Akbar's court with their problems and Birbal would solve them with his wit and wisdom.

Great king, wise and clever and Smart, intelligent, solves problems with wit and wisdom, friends in a royal court, wise and helpful

One day, a man came to Akbar with a bag full of mangoes. He claimed that each mango in the bag was made of gold. Akbar found this hard to believe and asked Birbal to find out the truth. After examining the mangoes, Birbal found out that only one of them was made of gold. He cleverly solved the mystery and proved the man wrong.

Man with gold mangoes, Smart, intelligent, solves problems with wit and wisdom solved the mystery

Another time, Akbar received a gift from a neighboring kingdom. It was a beautifully crafted chessboard. Akbar loved to play chess and challenged Birbal to a game. But no matter how hard Akbar tried, he could not win against Birbal. Birbal was the best at chess and always won the games. Akbar was amazed at Birbal's skills and they both laughed together.

Beautiful chessboard, Smart, intelligent, solves problems with wit and wisdom wins against Great king, wise and clever, laughter and friendship

One day, a poor man came to the court asking for help. He had been cheated by a rich merchant and his daughter's wedding was approaching. Akbar wanted to help the poor man but didn't know how. Birbal came up with a plan. He tricked the rich merchant and made him give back the money to the poor man. The poor man was grateful and the people praised Birbal's intelligence.

Poor man seeking help, Smart, intelligent, solves problems with wit and wisdom's plan helps him, praise and gratitude

Akbar and Birbal faced many challenges together. They solved mysteries, played games, helped people, and always stood by each other. Their friendship was strong and their wisdom admired by all. The kingdom flourished under their rule and they lived happily ever after.

Challenges, friendship, wisdom, and a happy kingdom

Reflection Questions

  • Why did people come to Akbar's court?
  • How did Birbal prove the man wrong about the gold mangoes?
  • What did Birbal do to help the poor man?

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