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Birdo 777 Goes to Space

Birdo 777 was a brave little bird with rainbow feathers.

A brave bird with rainbow-colored feathers with colorful feathers

One day, Birdo 777 had a big dream – to explore outer space!

A brave bird with rainbow-colored feathers looking up at the stars

Birdo 777 built a special rocket called the Rainbow Rocket.

A brave bird with rainbow-colored feathers with a rainbow-colored rocket

With a countdown of 3... 2... 1..., Birdo 777 blasted off into space!

A brave bird with rainbow-colored feathers flying in a colorful rocket

In space, Birdo 777 saw planets with pink clouds and blue grass.

A brave bird with rainbow-colored feathers floating near colorful planets

Birdo 777 made friends with aliens who loved her rainbow feathers.

A brave bird with rainbow-colored feathers surrounded by friendly aliens

After an amazing adventure, Birdo 777 returned home safely.

A brave bird with rainbow-colored feathers flying back to Earth

Birdo 777 realized that dreams can come true if you believe!

A brave bird with rainbow-colored feathers smiling with a starry background

Reflection Questions

  • How did Birdo 777's rocket look like?
  • What did Birdo 777 see in space?
  • What did Birdo 777 learn from her space journey?

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