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Birds' Friendship

Once upon a time, in a big, green forest, there lived two birds named Ruby and Oliver. They were best friends.

Birds in a green forest with a happy expression

Ruby was a bright, red bird with shiny feathers, while Oliver was a cheerful, blue bird with a melodious voice.

Bright, red bird with shiny feathers - red bird with shiny feathers, Cheerful, blue bird with a melodious voice - blue bird with a melodious voice

Every day, Ruby and Oliver would explore the forest together, hopping from tree to tree and singing sweet songs.

Birds hopping from tree to tree and singing songs

One day, a storm arrived in the forest. The wind blew fiercely, and the rain poured heavily.

Stormy weather with strong wind and heavy rain

Ruby and Oliver got separated during the storm. They searched for each other, calling out their names in worry.

Birds searching for each other and calling out names

Finally, after hours of searching, they found each other, drenched but relieved. Their friendship helped them overcome the storm.

Bright, red bird with shiny feathers and Cheerful, blue bird with a melodious voice reunited, drenched but happy

From that day on, Ruby and Oliver were even closer friends. They always stayed together and promised to help each other, no matter what.

Bright, red bird with shiny feathers and Cheerful, blue bird with a melodious voice happily staying together

And so, Ruby and Oliver's friendship continued to grow, bringing happiness and joy to the forest every day.

Bright, red bird with shiny feathers and Cheerful, blue bird with a melodious voice spreading happiness in the forest

Reflection Questions

  • Why is friendship important?
  • How did Ruby and Oliver help each other during the storm?
  • What made Ruby and Oliver's friendship stronger?

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