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Birthday Bash

It was Emma's birthday! She was turning 8.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a yellow crown. smiling, surrounded by balloons and confetti

Emma's friends arrived at her house for the party.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a yellow crown.'s friends at her front door with presents

They played games like musical chairs and pin the tail on the donkey.

girls playing musical chairs and pinning tails

It was time for cake and ice cream!

Table with a big birthday cake and bowls of ice cream

Emma blew out the candles and made a wish.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a yellow crown. blowing out candles while her friends cheer

Everyone sang 'Happy Birthday' to Emma.

girls singing and clapping for Blonde hair, pink dress, and a yellow crown.

Emma opened her presents and thanked her friends.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a yellow crown. holding up a present and smiling

They laughed and told stories late into the night.

girls sitting in a circle, telling stories and laughing

As the party ended, Emma felt grateful for her friends.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a yellow crown. hugging her friends goodbye with a smile

It was the best birthday bash ever!

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a yellow crown. jumping in the air, celebrating with friends

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Emma happy on her birthday?
  • What games did they play at the party?
  • How did Emma feel at the end of the party?

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