Once upon a time in a magical land, there lived a beautiful angel named Bisola. Her soft, silver wings shimmered in the sunlight.
Bisola had long, flowing golden hair that cascaded down her back. She wore a flowing gown made of pink roses.
Bisola's job was to spread love and kindness wherever she went. She would sprinkle sparkles of joy to make people smile.
One day, while Bisola was flying above a village, she noticed a little girl named Lily who was feeling sad. Lily's puppy had gone missing.
Bisola flew down and gently asked Lily what was wrong. Lily tearfully explained about her missing puppy, and how much she missed him.
With a twinkle in her eyes, Bisola assured Lily that she would help find her puppy. They searched high and low, leaving no stone unturned.
After a long search, Bisola noticed a tiny paw peeking out from behind some bushes. It was Lily's puppy! Bisola and Lily rejoiced with happiness.
Bisola's act of kindness and love had brought so much happiness to Lily and her puppy. The village celebrated Bisola and thanked her for her help.
From that day forward, Bisola continued to spread love and kindness. She became known as the Pretty Damsel Angel, bringing joy to everyone she met.
And so, Bisola's beautiful wings glistened as she flew through the skies, lighting up the world with her love.
Reflection Questions