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Bob and the Scaly Thing

Bob loves to label things. One day, he finds something strange.

A brown mole with round glasses and a yellow cap looking at a strange A green creature with scales and big pointy teeth

The scaly thing has sharp teeth. Bob is scared!

A brown mole with round glasses and a yellow cap running away from the A green creature with scales and big pointy teeth

But then, Bob sees the scaly thing is crying.

A brown mole with round glasses and a yellow cap comforting the crying A green creature with scales and big pointy teeth

Bob asks the scaly thing what is wrong.

A brown mole with round glasses and a yellow cap talking to the A green creature with scales and big pointy teeth

The scaly thing tells Bob it has no friends.

Scaly thing looking sad and lonely

Bob decides to help the scaly thing find friends.

A brown mole with round glasses and a yellow cap and the A green creature with scales and big pointy teeth searching for friends

They find other scaly things and become friends.

A brown mole with round glasses and a yellow cap and the A green creature with scales and big pointy teeths playing together

Now Bob knows that sometimes scary things just need love.

A brown mole with round glasses and a yellow cap smiling and hugging the A green creature with scales and big pointy teeth

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Bob scared of the scaly thing?
  • Why was the scaly thing crying?
  • What did Bob do to help the scaly thing?

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