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Bob the Mole and the Scaly Thing

Bob is a mole who loves to label things.

A small mole with round glasses and a backpack labeling various objects with his name

One day, Bob comes across something very strange.

A small mole with round glasses and a backpack pointing at something scaly and scary

It's a scaly thing with pointy teeth! Ahhh!

A small mole with round glasses and a backpack running away from the scaly thing

But Bob is curious and decides to investigate.

A small mole with round glasses and a backpack cautiously approaching the scaly thing

He realizes that the scaly thing is actually a friendly dinosaur.

A small mole with round glasses and a backpack and the dinosaur become friends

Bob tags the dinosaur with a special name: Spike.

A small mole with round glasses and a backpack giving A green dinosaur with sharp teeth and a friendly smile a name tag

Bob and Spike have lots of fun adventures together.

A small mole with round glasses and a backpack and A green dinosaur with sharp teeth and a friendly smile playing games and exploring

From that day on, Bob learns not to judge things by their appearance.

A small mole with round glasses and a backpack realizing that appearances can be deceiving

Reflection Questions

  • How did Bob feel when he saw the scaly thing?
  • What did Bob learn from his encounter with Spike?
  • Why is it important not to judge things by their appearance?

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