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Bolivia's World Adventure

Bolivia found a key hidden in her attic.

Intelligent girl with pigtails and a backpack, wearing glasses. finding a key in her attic

The key unlocked a mysterious map.

The mysterious map unlocked with a key

Bolivia discovered it was a worldwide challenge.

Intelligent girl with pigtails and a backpack, wearing glasses. discovering the worldwide challenge on the map

She traveled to the first location in Egypt.

Intelligent girl with pigtails and a backpack, wearing glasses. in Egypt, ready for the challenge

Bolivia solved hieroglyphic puzzles at the Great Pyramid.

Intelligent girl with pigtails and a backpack, wearing glasses. solving hieroglyphic puzzles at the Great Pyramid

Next stop was China, where she deciphered tangrams.

Intelligent girl with pigtails and a backpack, wearing glasses. deciphering tangrams in China

In Australia, Bolivia cracked a secret code using kangaroo patterns.

Intelligent girl with pigtails and a backpack, wearing glasses. cracking a secret code with kangaroo patterns in Australia

Her last challenge was in Brazil, where she solved a Samba rhythm puzzle.

Intelligent girl with pigtails and a backpack, wearing glasses. solving a Samba rhythm puzzle in Brazil

Bolivia successfully completed the challenge and celebrated with her new global friends.

Intelligent girl with pigtails and a backpack, wearing glasses. celebrating with her global friends

She realized problem-solving made her a true world adventurer!

Intelligent girl with pigtails and a backpack, wearing glasses. embracing her problem-solving skills

Reflection Questions

  • How did Bolivia discover the worldwide challenge?
  • Name one puzzle Bolivia solved in China.
  • What did Bolivia learn about herself at the end?

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