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Boo and the Magic Words
Boo y las palabras mágicas
Once upon a time, in a cozy little town, there lived a child named Boo. Boo loved to read books and learn new things. One day, Boo discovered a special book called 'I Know Affirmations.' Érase una vez, en un pequeño y acogedor pueblo, vivía un niño llamado Boo. A Boo le encantaba leer libros y aprender cosas nuevas. Un día, Boo descubrió un libro especial llamado "Sé afirmaciones".

Sit in a chair and pretend to read a book with a big smile

Boo has brown hair, blue eyes, and a big smile sitting in a comfortable chair, holding a book with a big smile on their face
As Boo read the book, they learned that words have a magical power. When we say positive things to ourselves, it makes us feel confident and happy. Boo was amazed! Mientras Boo leía el libro, aprendieron que las palabras tienen un poder mágico. Cuando nos decimos cosas positivas a nosotros mismos, nos hace sentir seguros y felices. ¡Boo estaba asombrado!

Clap your hands and say 'I am confident!'

Boo has brown hair, blue eyes, and a big smile reading the book with wide eyes and an excited expression
Boo decided to try it out. They stood in front of a mirror and said, 'I am brave and strong!' Suddenly, Boo felt a warm, tingly feeling inside. It was as if the words were coming to life! Boo decidió probarlo. Se pararon frente a un espejo y dijeron: '¡Soy valiente y fuerte!' De repente, Boo sintió una sensación cálida y de hormigueo en su interior. ¡Era como si las palabras cobraran vida!

Stand in front of a mirror and say 'I am brave and strong!'

Boo has brown hair, blue eyes, and a big smile standing in front of a mirror, looking determined and saying positive words
With newfound confidence, Boo started doing things they were afraid of before. They climbed tall trees, made new friends, and even performed in a school play. Boo realized that the more they believed in themselves, the more amazing things they could do! Con una confianza renovada, Boo comenzó a hacer cosas que antes temían. Treparon a árboles altos, hicieron nuevos amigos e incluso actuaron en una obra de teatro escolar. Boo se dio cuenta de que cuanto más creían en sí mismos, ¡más cosas increíbles podían hacer!

Pretend to climb a tree, wave to imaginary friends, and take a bow on a pretend stage

Boo has brown hair, blue eyes, and a big smile climbing a tree, smiling and waving to friends, and standing on a stage with a spotlight
From that day forward, Boo always remembered the power of positive words. Whenever they felt scared or unsure, they would say, 'I am capable and confident!' And just like magic, Boo would feel brave again. A partir de ese día, Boo siempre recordó el poder de las palabras positivas. Cada vez que se sentían asustados o inseguros, decían: '¡Soy capaz y tengo confianza!' Y como por arte de magia, Boo volvería a sentirse valiente.

Stand tall and say 'I am capable and confident!'

Boo has brown hair, blue eyes, and a big smile standing tall with a determined expression, saying positive words

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