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Boris Learns Where to Pee
Boris aprende dónde orinar
Once upon a time, there was a cat named Boris. He loved to play and explore in his house. But, Boris had a little problem. He used to pee on the curtains! His family was not happy about this. They told Boris he needed to find a new place to pee. Había una vez un gato llamado Boris. Le encantaba jugar y explorar en su casa. Pero Boris tenía un pequeño problema. ¡Solía orinar en las cortinas! Su familia no estaba contenta con esto. Le dijeron a Boris que necesitaba encontrar un nuevo lugar para orinar.
A picture of Boris is a cute orange cat with big green eyes, a cute orange cat, with his family looking unhappy near the curtains.
One sunny day, Boris went on an adventure to find a new place to pee. He wandered through the neighborhood and came across a big house. It belonged to a giant named Thiazi. Boris thought, 'Maybe I can pee here!' Un día soleado, Boris se embarcó en la aventura de encontrar un nuevo lugar para orinar. Caminó por el barrio y se topó con una casa grande. Pertenecía a un gigante llamado Thiazi. Boris pensó: '¡Quizás pueda orinar aquí!'
A picture of Boris is a cute orange cat with big green eyes standing in front of Thiazi is a friendly giant with a long white beard's giant house, looking excited.
Boris walked into Thiazi's house and found a corner where he thought he could pee. But, uh-oh! Thiazi saw Boris and said, 'No, no, Boris! You can't pee here. This is not a good place for it!' Boris entró en la casa de Thiazi y encontró un rincón donde pensó que podría orinar. Pero ¡oh, oh! Thiazi vio a Boris y dijo: '¡No, no, Boris! No puedes orinar aquí. ¡Éste no es un buen lugar para ello!'
A picture of Boris is a cute orange cat with big green eyes looking surprised and Thiazi is a friendly giant with a long white beard, a giant with a long beard, pointing at a 'No' sign.
Boris felt sad and realized he needed to learn where he should pee. Thiazi kindly showed Boris a special box called a litter box. He explained, 'Boris, this is the right place for you to pee. It keeps everything clean and makes your family happy.' Boris se sintió triste y se dio cuenta de que necesitaba aprender dónde debía orinar. Thiazi amablemente le mostró a Boris una caja especial llamada caja de arena. Me explicó: "Boris, este es el lugar adecuado para que orines". Mantiene todo limpio y hace feliz a tu familia.'
A picture of Thiazi is a friendly giant with a long white beard and Boris is a cute orange cat with big green eyes standing next to a litter box with a happy family in the background.
Boris thanked Thiazi for teaching him and went back home with a new understanding. From that day on, he always used his litter box to pee. His family was so proud of him for being responsible! Boris agradeció a Thiazi por enseñarle y regresó a casa con una nueva comprensión. A partir de ese día siempre usó su caja de arena para orinar. ¡Su familia estaba muy orgullosa de él por ser responsable!
A picture of Boris is a cute orange cat with big green eyes happily using his litter box, with his family smiling and giving him a thumbs up.
And so, Boris learned an important lesson about responsibility. He knew that peeing in the right place was the best way to make his family happy. And they lived happily ever after! Y así Boris aprendió una importante lección sobre la responsabilidad. Sabía que orinar en el lugar correcto era la mejor manera de hacer feliz a su familia. ¡Y ellos vivieron felices para siempre!
A picture of Boris is a cute orange cat with big green eyes and his family cuddling together, with hearts floating in the air.

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Boris need to find a new place to pee?
  • What did Boris discover in Thiazi's house?
  • What did Boris learn about peeing in the right place?

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