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Bowser's Big Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little, lost turtle named Bowser. He found himself in a big forest, all alone.

Small green turtle with a friendly smile, a small turtle in a vast forest

Bowser was scared and didn't know where to go. He walked and walked, hoping to find someone to help him.

Small green turtle with a friendly smile, lost and walking through the forest

Suddenly, Bowser heard a friendly voice. It was a wise owl who told Bowser to follow the sound of the river.

Small green turtle with a friendly smile meeting a wise owl in the forest

Bowser listened to the owl and followed the sound of the river. He was so happy to find his way out of the big forest.

Small green turtle with a friendly smile finding his way through the forest

As Bowser walked out of the forest, he saw a beautiful pond with other turtles swimming and playing. He had found his new home!

Small green turtle with a friendly smile discovering a pond with other turtles

Bowser made friends with the other turtles and they played together every day. He was no longer lost and lonely.

Small green turtle with a friendly smile playing with other turtles in the pond

Bowser learned to be brave and to always ask for help when he needed it. He lived happily ever after in the pond.

Small green turtle with a friendly smile, brave and happy in his new home

The end. Can you remember to be brave like Bowser and ask for help when you need it?

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