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Boy Lian and the Dinosaur Adventure

Boy Lian loved dinosaurs. He had a big collection of toy dinosaurs in his room.

Brown-haired boy with glasses and a big smile with toys in his room

One day, Boy Lian saw a dinosaur outside his window. It was stuck in a tree!

Brown-haired boy with glasses and a big smile looking out window at tree

Boy Lian knew he had to help the dinosaur. He quickly climbed down and grabbed a ladder.

Brown-haired boy with glasses and a big smile climbing down with ladder

Carefully, Boy Lian placed the ladder against the tree. The dinosaur climbed down safely.

Brown-haired boy with glasses and a big smile helping Green with spikes and a friendly face down the ladder

The dinosaur thanked Boy Lian and they became friends. They went on many adventures together.

Brown-haired boy with glasses and a big smile and Green with spikes and a friendly face playing together

Sometimes, Boy Lian and the dinosaur would solve problems together. They made a great team!

Brown-haired boy with glasses and a big smile and Green with spikes and a friendly face solving problems

Boy Lian learned that problem solving is important. He felt proud of himself!

Brown-haired boy with glasses and a big smile feeling proud

Boy Lian and the dinosaur continued to have fun and help each other every day.

Brown-haired boy with glasses and a big smile and Green with spikes and a friendly face playing and helping

Reflection Questions

  • How did Boy Lian help the dinosaur?
  • Why is problem solving important?
  • How did Boy Lian feel after helping the dinosaur?

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