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Brainy the Brain's Adventures in Skull House

Brainy the Brain lived in Skull House.

Brainy in his house with a skull-shaped roof

Every day, Brainy learned new things.

Brainy reading a book and surrounded by math problems

One day, Brainy heard a strange noise outside.

Brainy peeking out of the window with a worried expression

He went to investigate and found a lost puppy.

Brainy holding a cute puppy with a wagging tail

Brainy named the puppy Sparky and they became best friends.

Brainy and Sparky playing fetch in the park

Together, they solved puzzles and helped others in need.

Brainy and Sparky with a puzzle piece and a helping hand

But one day, Brainy got trapped inside an old maze.

Brainy looking worried inside a maze with high walls

With Sparky's help, Brainy found his way out.

Brainy and Sparky celebrating outside the maze

They returned home and shared their exciting adventure.

Brainy and Sparky telling their story to their friends

Brainy and Sparky felt happy and grateful for each other.

Brainy and Sparky hugging with big smiles

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