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Brave Girl Karilina and her Unicorn Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a brave girl named Karilina. She loved exploring new things. One day, she asked her father, Kostyantyn, to take her on an adventure to discover the world.

Karilina and her father planning an adventure together

Karilina and Kostyantyn set off on their adventure. They packed their bags and brought a map, some snacks, and a special surprise for Karilina.

Karilina and her father ready to start their adventure

As they walked through the forest, they discovered beautiful flowers and heard the chirping of birds. Suddenly, they saw something magical – a unicorn!

Karilina and her father meeting a unicorn in the forest

The unicorn was in trouble. Its horn was stuck in a tree branch, and it couldn't free itself. Karilina and Kostyantyn knew they had to help.

Karilina and her father helping the unicorn

Karilina had an idea. She carefully climbed the tree and gently removed the branch, setting the unicorn free.

Karilina rescuing the unicorn from the tree branch

The unicorn was grateful and offered Karilina a ride. She hopped on its back, and they flew through the sky, exploring new lands and meeting friendly creatures.

Karilina riding the unicorn and exploring new lands

After their adventure, Karilina and Kostyantyn returned home. They shared their exciting story with Karilina's mother, who was amazed by their bravery and problem-solving skills.

Karilina and her father sharing their adventure with her mother

Karilina realized that bravery and problem-solving could bring wonderful experiences and help others. From that day on, she promised to always be brave and help those in need.

Karilina making a promise to be brave and helpful

The end.

The story ends with a happy ending

Reflection Questions

  • How did Karilina and her father plan their adventure?
  • What did Karilina and Kostyantyn discover in the forest?
  • What did Karilina promise to do after her adventure?

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